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A modern system
for crèches and children's clubs.

Would you like to apply Obecnosci.pl digital solutions to the Maluch Plus programme?

New crèche, modern system

Municipality, you are building a crèche – introduce the modern Obecnosci.pl system!

The next edition of the Maluch Plus programme is underway and participating municipalities can contribute to meeting the needs of parents / guardians waiting for digital solutions. The aim of the programme is to support the creation of new childcare places for children up to the age of three. Our system for the management of crèches and toddler clubs means the development of the municipality in terms of digitalisation and facilities for its residents.

Explore the benefits of the system for crèches and children's clubs

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Large variety of clearing options

System Obecnosci.pl provides a large variety of clearing options and also takes into Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) subsidies for the child's stay in the crèche. Automatic clearing is individually tailored to the facility. The functionality can be used in the mobile version.

A parents knows everything about their child

The Obecnosci.pl system enables fast and automated communication between parents, teachers and the management. Thanks to the activity module and the possibility to configure it individually, we communicate the need for wipes or nappies to parents via a notification on their phone. By ticking the icon accordingly, parents will find out not only whether their child has eaten lunch, but also how much they have eaten or whether they have slept and how long the child’s the nap lasted.

Nothing will be missed from crèche life

The app gives you the opportunity to add topics and timetables, including individual ones for your child. Thanks to the notice board, published photos in the gallery and added videos in the Knowledge Base, a parent is sure to be kept up to date with their child's activities in the facility.

The new version of the mobile application

The new version of the system's mobile application features a more intuitive layout, simplicity of use and graphical consistency of Obecnosci.pl. The application was created especially for devices with smartphone operating systems. Thanks to this, it is possible to use the full functionality of the system on any of these devices.

The application meets WCAG standards

Meeting WCAG standards at AA level is one of the highest priorities. Appropriate contrasts, button sizes and colours, as well as the correct division of content in the mobile app, significantly increase readability.


The Obecnosci.pl enables fast and automated communication between parents and childcare facilities. Check out all the benefits for crèche and children’s clubs.

Ask about the programme and the system!