
About us

Obecnosci.pl offers digital and educational solutions for the kindergarten and crèche sector.

Today, several hundred kindergartens, crèches and toddler clubs already use our system and all customised digital and educational solutions.

We work for public and non-public facilities.

Solutions for public and non-public facilities
Professional Customer Support Department
Several hundred facilities using the system
Tens of thousands of teachers, parents / guardians

For years, we have been creating systemic, innovative solutions for educational companies. The trend towards digitisation of the activities of educational facilities, the latest legal regulations and market requirements have directed our activities towards educational facilities.

A group of experts: programmers, computer scientists, marketers and graphic designers, developed and created a modern application for the efficient management of crèche and kindergartens. The facility management system connects and satisfies the needs of directors, teachers and parents.


Educational publishing house Ei System

Strategic partner of Obecnosci.pl – educational publishing house Ei System creates solutions that meet the expectations of even the most demanding specialists in the education sector.

3D printing for education

3D pens are the most popular and well-liked solution used in education. Their immense possibilities are appreciated by well-known teachers and therapists in the industry, who use them in practically every class. 3D pens are used in therapy for children with special educational needs, as well as in traditional institutions, in a wide variety of classes.

3D printing is:

Special educational needs

Teaching aids dedicated to kindergartens will allow needs to be identified quickly and accurately. Children with special educational needs are a challenge for educators. New teaching solutions will help to create the right learning environment for children.

Eduterapeutica Lux
Emotional and social competences

The Emotional-Social Competence package is applicable for children who have problems with emotions and concentration. The product is designed for pre-school children aged 4-6 years. The exercises are structured in such a way that the kindergarten teacher can conduct them both for the whole group (using, for example, a multimedia whiteboard) and in individual meetings (using a computer or tablet).

Benefits of Eduterapeutica Lux Emotional and social competences:

Obecnosci.pl at conferences

On 27 and 28 April 2023 in Kraków, we participated in the #15Forum of Kindergarten Education “Bliżej Przedszkola”, where we presented digital solutions for the management of kindergartens’ facilities.

View a mini gallery from the event

We work for public and non-public facilities.

Kindergarten and crèche management system