A new register
with Obecnosci.pl system
Would you like to find out the details and implement register Obecnosci.pl for your facility?

Would you like to find out the details and implement register Obecnosci.pl for your facility?
According to the MEN regulation of 25 August 2017, kindergartens can use an electronic register as the only form of documentation of classes. The new Obecnosci.pl register has been integrated with the Obecnosci.pl system and complies with the MEN requirements.
Thanks to the innovative solution, implemented together with Obecnosci.pl system, teachers’ work can be more convenient and effective, which saves time. Better organisation of information, smooth and fast communication will further strengthen cooperation between teachers and parents.
Creating registers for individual groups
Transferring data from the Obecnosci.pl system
Saving the history of changes made by teachers
Lesson templates from the most popular teaching publishers: WSiP, Podręcznikarnia, MAC, Nowa Era, PWN, Klett
Gathering information about the course of the day - in which topic the classes were conducted or if there were any unusual events e.g. "sports day"
Daily secure backup
As part of their cooperation with publishers such as WSiP and Klett, kindergarten facilities can use the ready-made lesson topics available in the register. The selection of lessons is broad and in line with the core curriculum.
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